Friday, February 27, 2015

15 Stories Nominated for the 2015 Nebula Awards That You Can Read Online for Free. UPDATED!

Here's this year's link roundup of stories nominated for the 2015 Nebula Awards that you can read online for free.  Enjoy.

The full list of all of the Nebula Award nominees can be found at the SFWA web site.


The Mothers of Voorhisville” by Mary Rickert

Grand Jeté (The Great Leap)” by Rachel Swirsky


Sleep Walking Now and Then” by Richard Bowes

The Magician and Laplace’s Demon” by Tom Crosshill

The Husband Stitch” by Carmen Maria Machado

We Are the Cloud” by Sam J. Miller

The Devil in America” by Kai Ashante Wilson

“A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai’i” by Alaya Dawn Johnson

Short Stories

The Breath of War” by Aliette de Bodard

When It Ends, He Catches Her” by Eugie Foster

The Meeker and the All-Seeing Eye” by Matthew Kressel

The Vaporization Enthalpy of a Peculiar Pakistani Family” by Usman T. Malik

Jackalope Wives” by Ursula Vernon

"The Fisher Queen" by Alyssa Wong

"A Stretch of Highway Two Lanes Wide" by Sarah Pinsker


  1. Added Alyssa Wong's story "The Fisher Queen" to the list. So now the title says 13 stories, but the graphic says 12. Oh well.

  2. Up to 14 stories now with the addition of Sarah Pinsker's story "A Stretch of Highway Two Lanes Wide".

  3. Aaaaaand “A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai’i,” by Alaya Dawn Johnson brings the count up to 15!


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